Monday, October 30, 2023
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Oh no, I've run out of Girl Genius game to stream on Twitch! Last Wednesday night Victor taught me to play Terraria, which was fun. I'm still not sure what I'll be doing this coming Wednesday! I'm ProfessoressaFoglio on Twitch, you can join me and find out what I decide on if you're feeling bored!

I've been spending my free time making a web site to sell our original art. Here it is,! Of course, our main store is still the one at TopatoCo, but this little side one is for original art and extra stuff like the last of the OffWorld Designs Tshirts. I'll be posting things as I can, I have so much stuff I've let build up over the years. I've also now added a page featuring our current licensees and vendors! Just in time for the Holidays, hooray!



Monday, October 30, 2023
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Girl Genius is written by Professors Phil & Kaja Foglio of TPU, with drawings by Prof. P. Foglio. Volume One was inked by Brian Snoddy and colored by Cheyenne Wright. Volumes Two and Three were colored by Mark McNabb. Volume Four was colored by Laurie E. Smith. From Volume Five onward, our regular color artist has been Cheyenne Wright. Our email and social media assistant is Chris Sorensen.

Girl Genius is a registered trademark of Studio Foglio, LLC. Agatha Heterodyne, Transylvania Polygnostic and all Girl Genius art, characters, design elements and logos™ & ©2000-2022 Studio Foglio, LLC., All rights reserved. Airship Entertainment™ is an imprint of Studio Foglio LLC, and publishes Girl Genius Graphic Novels on a yearly basis. Look for them in your favorite bookstore!

AutoKeen Lite programmed by Darren Bleuel, as a service of Keenspot Comics. Special thanks to RB "Sparks" who took it apart and made it work.