Everything I ever needed to know, I learned from
Othar Tryggvassen,
Gentleman Adventurer!

1.) When encountering new people, always expect the best of intentions.

2.) There are no second chances at making a spectacular first impression. Those first few seconds of contact become a benchmark for every subsequent impression you make. Always try to leave an impact.

3.) Self-confidence is good but surrounding your self with competent assistants can get you farther, faster; and help free up valuable time for relaxation.

4.) You can't depend on others to invite you to social gatherings You must invite yourself.

5.) No matter what you think of the person you are speaking with, simple pleasantries like "Excuse me" and "thank you" should never go out of style.

6.) Insight gained from years of experience is just as valuable to others as it is to you. Always do your best to enlighten those around you.

7.) Visualizing action is the first step towards accomplishing your goals.

8.) When encountering an old acquaintance, use their name as early as possible in the conversation. this lets them know that you do, in fact, remember who they are, and can help set a friendly tone for the conversation.


The true voice of Othar will always be actor, artist and bon vivant Cheyenne Wright. You can (and should) visit Cheyenne's Web site at ArcaneTimes.com.

Girl Genius is written by Professors Phil & Kaja Foglio of TPU, with drawings by Prof. P. Foglio. Volume One was inked by Brian Snoddy and colored by Cheyenne Wright. Volumes Two and Three were colored by Mark McNabb. Volume Four was colored by Laurie E. Smith. From Volume Five onward, our regular color artist has been Cheyenne Wright. Our email and social media assistant is Chris Sorensen.

Girl Genius is a registered trademark of Studio Foglio, LLC. Agatha Heterodyne, Transylvania Polygnostic and all Girl Genius art, characters, design elements and logos™ & ©2000-2022 Studio Foglio, LLC., All rights reserved. Airship Entertainment™ is an imprint of Studio Foglio LLC, and publishes Girl Genius Graphic Novels on a yearly basis. Look for them in your favorite bookstore!

AutoKeen Lite programmed by Darren Bleuel, as a service of Keenspot Comics. Special thanks to RB "Sparks" who took it apart and made it work.